Beauty and Sadness
and the inextricable connection between them
When we witness beauty, profound beauty, it near to breaks our hearts.
A beautiful piece of music makes us cry.
Beautiful actions, expressions of love between beings also bring us to tears.
We feel we can hardly bear the poignancy of such beauty.
The emotion that we feel in its presence is sadness ~
a deep and graceful, even joyous, sadness.
We can’t feel those deep joys without feeling sadness ~
they are inextricably connected.
And what about sadness?
Is there beauty in sadness, just as there is sadness in beauty?
When the sadness is pure,
not mixed with fear and not the result of any wrong-doing;
then I believe it is somehow a beautiful feeling,
one to be embraced and leaned into.
When we do embrace it, we come upon the same grace we find in beauty.
There will always be a life lesson there to find, which brings us to profound joy.
The joy of being alive.
Beautiful life ~ so beautiful that it hurts.
The One Song
The universe, the ‘uni’ ‘verse’, the ‘one’ ‘song’,
singing itself into existence, into beingness,
and into beauty, endlessly, forever;
singing us, and all that is, into being.
The music the heavens dance to.
The dance of the cosmos.
Bear and Me
This morning, heading up the path into the forest I heard a “crash, crash, crash”, through the bush not far from me.
I knew it was something big ~ likely either elk or bear, to make that much commotion! So, of course my curiosity got the better of my caution and I had to sneak a peak around that next corner where it had crashed away off towards.
And there, from behind some bushes, sneaking a peak back at me, was a beautiful, glossy-coated, black-as-black-can-be young bear. I could just see the top of his head with his Teddy-bear ears; and his gorgeous, clear, present rich brown eyes looking directly into my own and glinting with such intelligence it took my breath away.
What struck me, in the moment, was how so alike we were; the shared experience we were having. We two were equal, having the same feelings, thoughts and actions. Curious, cautious, respectful; intelligent.
As we gazed into each others eyes we had a shared moment of equality of consciousness that I will never forget.
Then we both, simultaneously, turned quietly, and, honouring each other, walked calmly away in our opposite directions.
In the Forest
It’s November 2nd, All-Hallows-Eve just past;
the anniversary of my mother’s passing is tomorrow.
The veil between the worlds is thin.
I’ve stopped to write this while walking through the forest on the mountainside.
The sun is shining, burning off the morning mists after two days of rain.
Silvery shimmers all round. It’s a shiny, clean, sparkly world.
The autumn colours are so intense they take my breath away.
The larch trees are radiating such goldenness against the
rich dark evergreens it’s a wonder such a colour can exist
without bursting into flames.
The depths of the browns of the fallen leaves,
against the impossible variety of greens and shapes and
textures of the mosses staggers my mind.
The smells are deeply nourishing to me.
Sun kissing wet cold earth brings forth a primeval scent that
smells somehow of the infinite potentials of life.
The profound stillness of the forest in the mountains feeds my soul;
nourishes body, mind and spirit.
All the sounds that are contained within it don’t seem to disturb it.
How can that be?
The creek burbling, the leaves rustling;
a frog croaks, a squirrel chatters, a raven calls and a nuthatch chirps.
The profound stillness remains.
It’s the trees and the rocks, the earth and the clean wild air.
And here I am. A part of it.
Breathing it in and out. Appreciating it. Loving it.
So thankful for it that my gratitude is barely bearable.
In order to take in the forest, or any environment of the natural world,
be it forest or ocean or prairie, desert or icefield or garden ~
in order to even begin to take it in we have to give over to the
impossible miraculous beauty of it.
And in doing so we open wide.
So wide that we expand into it and become one with it.
And are healed.
All is well.
Oil on Canvas Board 14" X 14" 'WelCome' ~ With my paintings I want to give you a place to go ~ similar to the way we can ‘travel’ when we listen to music ~ I want to give you a place where you can rest your eyes and excite your soul, open your heart and soothe your...
Oil on Canvas 16" X 12" 'Cathedral' • This Cedar grove,~ living pillars reaching straight for the heavens,dappled light filtered through green and gold like stained glass,lofty arched boughs~ open spaciousness filled to brimming with palpable spiritual power~ sings...
Deep Winter Portals
Oil on Canvas 16" X 12" 'Deep Winter Portals' • The irresistible invitation to enter,deeper and deeper into the pristine beauty of the silent, beckoning, way. It smells of purity, clean and fresh, and cold. The stillness soaks into my bones, I feel the profound...
Wall of Woods
Oil on Canvas 12" X 9" 'Wall of Woods' This wall of trees, marching up and away,rank upon rank; fir and pine, spruce and larch, hemlock, cedar and aspen;such a rich and diverse array for contemplation. From a favourite high perch on the mountainside,looking across a...
Larch StarBurst
Oil on Canvas 16" X 12" 'Larch StarBurst' ~ Larch and Fir grow entwined, and burst forth into the wholeness of a nine-pointed star. This image stunned me, as it appeared before my eyes one fine day in late October: a nine-pointed star!in Larch blazing against and...
Grand Depths
Oil on Canvas 16" X 12" 'Grand Depths' The Grand Fir is truly a beautiful, ‘grand’, majestic tree,with its great and graceful swaths of boughssweeping out of its dark core like wingsreaching for the sun. This one is a magnificent individual.It seems to take...
Honeysuckle/Hazel Dance
Oil on Canvas Board 16" X 12" HONEYSUCKLE / HAZEL DANCE • Just as Spring is thinking about becoming Summer, the Honeysuckle swirlingly shows itself off as a herald of warmth to come. Whirling and flirting, it dances its way round its chosen partner~ here the...
Marilyn’s Forest
Oil on Canvas 21" X 15" 'Marilyn's Forest' • This is my sister’s forest, her own bit of green healing restorative on Vancouver Island, not far from where she lives. Rainforest. Lush and profuse. (Replete with the elves she loved so when she was little.) ~ These...
Snowy Hillside
Oil on Canvas 9" X 12" 'Snowy Hillside' The white-on-white world of winter snow. I’d been wanting to play with all the colours reflected in the whiteness; this gentle and peaceful hillside, on an all-white winter day, gave me the perfect canvas and palette. ~ The...
Snowy Cedar in Flight
Oil on Canvas 9" X 12" 'Snowy Cedar In Flight' A dark, snow-laden November day.Low, heavy, clouds have settled in, bringing winter.The forest depths are deepened by the greyness. A day that invites flights of fancy ~ the cedar boughs and I take up the...
Fallen Cedar/Rising Dragon
Oil on Canvas Board 12" X 16" 'Fallen Cedar / Rising Dragon' • This fallen cedar, toppled perhaps a hundred years ago, still commands such a presence.It draws my attention, calling me into a deep contemplation of itwhen I come upon the sight on the bank of the creek...
Yew Swirl
Oil on Canvas 12" X 12" 'Yew Swirl' Chancing upon a Yew tree in the forest is always an enchanted moment. They are wild, straggly, unsymmetrical trees with branches shooting off in unexpected directions;and with many dead branches or even trunks, as if they originally...