Films & Videos
On BEAUTY, As We Come to It in the FOREST
This is the 4 minute trailer for the full 27 minute film.
A deep meditative dive revelling in the Beauty of Nature and pondering the Nature of Beauty, as it is found in the forests of the Slocan Valley, British Columbia, Canada. The full 27 minute film is available for sale, as a companion to my book: Volume II, SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest, which can be purchased from my Etsy shop: Etsy Shop: Barbara Brown Artist
-Cinematographer Isaac Carter of
-Sound track design by Noel
-Directed & Narrated by myself
And here I have something very special for you:
Created as a companion film to Volume I of the book
Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest
An exceptionally beautiful 21 minute film by the exceptionally talented cinematographer Isaac Carter of ICandyFilms and musician Noel Fudge of — taking us through the seasons of a year in the forest.
“This is a short documentary immersing you into the beauty and wonder experienced in the remote forest of the Slocan Valley, in the Selkirk Mountains of SE British Columbia, Canada — through the eyes of Artist/Writer/Forest Walker Barbara Brown.
It is a soothing and inspiring meditation of a film that takes you, soulfully, through the seasons of a year in the wild woods, pondering the meaning of beauty in our lives, and deepening your connection with nature.”
~ Come, let’s go for a walk together …in the forest.
This film is available for sale as part of the ‘Special Gift Set’, with the book, from my Etsy shop.

And here are some little snippets, my own amateur videos, sharing moments of forest magic with you from my daily walks in the woods:
Hairy Woodpecker
Today I met this lovely little female Hairy Woodpecker (at least that’s who I think she is). She wasn’t concerned about my presence in the least and let me get quite close, film her to be able to share her with you, and just hang out with her for quite a while. Amazing creatures, can you imagine spending your days banging holes in wood with your head—the strength in her neck and beak is remarkable! This is a Larch tree she is working away on, in my forest here in the Slocan Valley, BC Canada
Buttercups in the meadow at Solstice
☀️ 💛 Solstice is upon us! June 20 💛 ☀️
Distilled sunshine in the field of Buttercups, dancing lazily in the warm summer breezes of Solstice. Today Juncos and Wild Turkeys broke into their own song & dance, protecting their ground nests as I wander by. Robins were singing their hearts out. Swallowtail Butterflies so beautiful as they fluttered by. I heard a hawk calling from beyond sight way up above in the blue infinite as they rode the same breezes the Buttercups danced to, on this, the very last day of Spring. Shortest night of the year tonight, with still a little light in the sky even after 10pm as our beloved Earth spirals through her own dance through the heavens, carrying us along with her.
Frog Chorus
Springtime! The frog chorus has started up in earnest jubilation celebrating the return of warmer days here in the wetland at the edge of the forest. Every year I have searched and searched in vain to actually see one of these songsters while they perform this annual concert, …and this was finally the day! Success at last!! Here one shows himself, sweet little guy singing his heart out! I looked up frogs in my Ted Andrews, ‘Animal Speak’ book, and when one shows up in your life it signifies new starts, invitations, and productive solitary efforts! I’ll take it! For First Nations they are a symbol of Happiness.
Our Little Creek in February
Our little creek is a wonderland of icy beauty on these chilly February days
Winter Wren
Oh how this made my day today! Walking along on the edge of the forest I became aware of a familiar little “tchik tchik tchik” coming from a nearby brush pile, a sound that never fails to put a smile on my face and that I hadn’t heard since early last Spring –my dear sweet friend Winter Wren! She didn’t break into her wondrous full song for me today but wonder of wonders she did sit still for a time letting me watch her quietly. Oh how I hope she’ll make this brush pile her home for the winter, bringing such joy to my days!
Snow Falling
The first snowfall of the year.