Oil on Canvas 18″ X 14″
‘Cedar Intimacy’
This image captivated me in the forest.
First, up close and personal,
I fell in love with the pretty surface patterns that
those intense green twinkling cedar frond fingers make
as they reach for the sun at the edge of a clearing on the mountainside.
Playful with its offering of beauty, she revels in her aliveness.
Then …I am invited to travel deeper;
to delve into the dark forest beyond the surface,
and there to be welcomed into the inner sanctum depths with, again,
a twinkle of sunshine.
And, as happens so often in my work, the oval comes to me,
with its soft feminine welcoming geometry
to help me to convey the feeling inherent in this offering.
These are Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata)
here in the Inland Temperate Rainforest.
They grow to 130 feet tall and can live for 1,000 years.
Cedar helps us to heal emotional hurts;
and it is symbolic of the pure, the sublime and the sacred.
~Barbara Brown, from upcoming Volume II, SYLVAN REFLECTIONS, Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest