July 31, 2024

Find in this newsletter: 
  • Save the dates! You are invited: Three chances to come join me at Kootenay Gallery in Castlegar:

  • Exhibition
    August 1 – September 7
    : An exhibition of all 32 of my forest paintings from both volumes, SYLVAN REFLECTIONS books, with an Opening Reception August 1, 5:30 – 7:30

  • Special Launch Event of my new Book & Film:
    Thursday, August 8, 6:30-8:30: I’ll be launching Volume II, SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest and premiering its companion film On BEAUTY As We Come to It in the FOREST

  • Columbia Basin Culture Tour
    Saturday & Sunday, August 10-11, 10:00-5:00: I will be in attendance at Kootenay Gallery throughout the weekend of the Culture Tour this year, surrounded by the exhibition of my paintings — with books, cards, prints and miniature original oil paintings for sale