‘News From the Forest🌲 Email Newsletters

A Reminder! Come see me at Kootenay Gallery!

July 31, 2024

Find in this newsletter: 
  • Save the dates! You are invited: Three chances to come join me at Kootenay Gallery in Castlegar:

  • Exhibition
    August 1 – September 7
    : An exhibition of all 32 of my forest paintings from both volumes, SYLVAN REFLECTIONS books, with an Opening Reception August 1, 5:30 – 7:30

  • Special Launch Event of my new Book & Film:
    Thursday, August 8, 6:30-8:30: I’ll be launching Volume II, SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest and premiering its companion film On BEAUTY As We Come to It in the FOREST

  • Columbia Basin Culture Tour
    Saturday & Sunday, August 10-11, 10:00-5:00: I will be in attendance at Kootenay Gallery throughout the weekend of the Culture Tour this year, surrounded by the exhibition of my paintings — with books, cards, prints and miniature original oil paintings for sale


July 12, 2024
Find in this newsletter: 
  • All the goings-on at Kootenay Gallery in Castlegar this summer!
  • Save the dates! You are cordially invited to:  
    • an Exhibition of all my forest paintings, August 1 – September 7
    • a very special EVENT August 8, 6:30 – 8:30 launching my new Book & Film!
    • find me there at Kootenay Gallery this year for the Columbia Basin Culture Tour, August 10 – 11
  • Hot off the easel, a new painting: Hello Darkness, My Old Friend

Early May Days Greetings!

May 6, 2024

Find in this newsletter:

  • Hot off the easel, new SpiderWeb painting!
  • EVENTS! Current and coming up, save the dates!
  • ARTiculate Magazine article
  • A favourite Quote

    Autumn has arrived! 🍂 October Greetings

    July 18, 2023
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Discover Sixty-Five, Kootenay Senior Living Magazine interview
    • Painting in progress “Huginn & Muninn”
    • A perfect Plein Air day
    • An online exhibition“The Healing Power of the Elements”
    • An inspirational quote

    Heat of the Summer, July Greetings!

    July 18, 2023
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • An invitation to the Columbia Basin Culture Tour, July 29-30, in Silverton, BC
    • A new ‘Huginn & Muninn’ painting underway!
    • A favourite Quote

    Imbolc Greetings!

    February 2, 2023
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Latest painting completed, ‘Grandfather Stump
    • A new poem to share, ‘Enter the Forest’
    • Studio News
    • a favourite Poem

    As Earth spirals through her annual seasons we reach Imbolc, one of the eight Celtic celebratory marker points on our journey round the Sun, the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. ‘Imbolc’ means ‘in the belly’, as the seeds of new life begin to stir, dreaming of birth with the coming Spring. Still celebrated in Ireland as St Brigit’s Day, it has come down to us as Groundhog Day. Celebrating the returning light here in the North. 

    Brrrr! December Greetings

    December 1, 2022
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Winter Wonder in the Woods‘, a Special Set of Art Cards and a chance to win a book, offered as part of the Slocan Valley Cheer campaign
    • ‘A Wonderful Welcome Home’: a little forest essay, with a slide-show of my adventure away to the North
    • Studio News
    • New painting underway, ‘Grandfather Wolf
    • A favourite Quote

    Hot! Hot! Hot! End of July Greetings

    July 30, 2022
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • An invitation to the Columbia Basin Culture Tour, August 6-7, in Balfour, BC
    • ‘Gateway’ painting done!
    • ‘The Beauty of the Forest’ film progress
    • A favourite Quote

    New Life Bursting Forth! May Greetings

    May 19, 2022
    Find in this newsletter: 
    •  A new ‘Gateway’ painting underway
    • ‘The Lap of Mother Cedar’, a miniature painting and poem
    • ‘The Healing Power of Color’, a Healing Power of Art, Manhattan Arts International exhibition
    • An opportunity to ‘Paint with HU’ every Friday
    • A heads up for the Columbia Basin Culture Tour this summer
    • A favourite Quote

    Spring is on the way, Mid-March Greetings!

    March 15, 2022
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Dancing Yew Sisters painting done, ready to share!
    • A book, hot off the press, that I am so proud to be a part of: NO ORDINARY WORDS The Real Life Wisdom of Women
    • An invitation to a Zoom presentation I am giving for the Women’s Wellness Circle of Barrie/Innisfil
    •  A last blast of Winter’s beauty
    • Manhattan Arts International online exhibition The Spirit of Resilience 2022
    • A favourite quote

    ‘Rise Up Rooted’ Wellness Symposium, First Notice

    September 27, 2021
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • This is a Special Notice email to invite you to a wonderful FREE event I am so proud to be a part of.
    • October 11-15 my friend and colleague Alex Strauss, The Mindful Walker, is hosting the RISE UP ROOTED Global Wellness Symposium and I am so very honoured to be invited to speak as a part of it.

    Shift Into Autumn Greetings!

    September 25, 2021
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Save the date! Oct 11-15, ‘RISE UP ROOTED’ Wellness Symposium I am honoured to be speaking at!
    • A snippet of forest beauty from the film in the works
    • Painting progress
    • A little pondering ‘Always Beauty’
    • A favourite quote

    Hot July Greetings!

    July 12, 2021
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • The beginnings of a new painting
    • Filming news
    • Buttercup beauty from the meadow on Solstice
    • A reminder, there is still time to see The Healing Power of ART in Honor of Nature online exhibition
    • My images now available on Montreal designer clothing!
    • A favourite quote
    • Updated Etsy shop

    May Day Greetings!

    May 12, 2021
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • A new painting!
    • A little forest photo essay
    • News of a new upcoming Manhattan Arts International exhibition
    • Notice of an artist friend’s show and talk this weekend
    • A favourite quote

    Solstice Greetings!

    December 20, 2020
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • A solstice Gift
    • Studio News
    • A beautiful new poem, ‘Winter Solstice Still’

    Greetings from the Depths of November!

    November 26, 2020
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • An offer from Fine Art America
    • Two new poems of mine: “Trees are…” & “I am Earth”
    • News from the studio
    • Photo essay on Cedar Intimacy
    • A favourite Quote

    Lazy Days of Summer Greetings

    August 27, 2020
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Latest painting news
    • A couple of uplifting Ponderings from the forest
    • A favourite inspirational nature quote
    • An Etsy shop offer


    June Greetings!

    June 11, 2020
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • My illustrations are featured in the upcoming book DYING IN GOOD HANDS: Palliative Massage and the Power of Touch!
    • A mountainside wandering
    • Progress on a new painting
    • A previous celebration
    • A favourite Poem

    New Year, New Decade Greetings!

    December 26, 2019
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • A downloadable gift!
    • Free viewing of the SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest film!
    • Links to my shops on Fine Art America and Etsy
    • A favourite quote


    December 6, 2019
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Original Miniature Oil Paintings on sale this weekend!
    • Special Gift Set: SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings from the Forest, book and film combined and on sale this weekend!
    • A Solstice Writing
    • Links to my shops on Fine Art America and Etsy
    • Two favourite quotes


    Deep Autumn Greetings

    October 30, 2019
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • A new painting!
    • Notice of upcoming presentation
    • A little snippet of forest beauty
    • A pondering on the exquisite sadness of profound beauty
    • A favourite quote

    Sunny August Greetings

    August 6, 2019
    Find in this newsletter: 
    •  Notice of this weekend’s Columbia Basin Culture Tour!
    • A new painting
    • Latest bear encounter story
    • Two favourite quotes

    Merry Month of May

    May 20, 2019
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • A new painting, ‘Dance of the Seven Veils’!
    • Notice of upcoming local events
    • A little 2 minute video from the creek in the forest with a short reading on ‘Beauty’
    • A forest photo piece on Devil’s Club
    • Two favourite Quotes

    Happy Spring!

    March 23, 2019
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Heads-up about increased emails over the next two weeks about a Spring Renewal Gift Givaway!
    • My givaway item: a Guided Forest Meditation Slideshow
    • I’ll be at Salmo Valley Public Library April 3rd!
    • A new way to share the forest with you: a video from the creek during our last big day of snow, with an excerpt from SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest!
    • Two favorite Quotes

    ‘Tis the Season! (1 of 3)

    December 5, 2018
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • This is the first of a few extra-ordinary emails coming your way from me …for Christmas!
    • SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest excerpt “Snowy Cedar in Flight”
    • Reminder about my new merch store!
    • All sales give 5% to the charity TreeSisters!
    • A favourite Poem

    Early December Greetings

    December 2, 2018
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Newly opened shop on FineArtAmerica.com!
    • High quality art prints and other merch!
    • Find me at the Castlegar Christmas Craft Faire or the Nelson Waldrof School Winter Faire!
    • Highlighted painting “Cottonwood Spray”
    • A pondering on “Outside My Window In the Night”

    Happy Harvest Season!

    August 23, 2018
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Invitation to the Glade Market August 26
    • Come find me at Naksup Public Library September 27
    • Recently completed painting, ‘FIR, SOFT & THICK’
    • A pondering on Wildfire Season

    Mosquito Season Greetings!

    July 12, 2018
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Latest painting completed, ‘A Wide Open Winter Wonder
    • Event: A Summer Soiree, July 22nd
    • Event: Columbia Basin Culture Tour, August 11-12
    • A 21-minute SYLVAN RELFECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings and Ponderings from the Forest film!
    • I recorded a guided meditation on Insight Timer!
    • I was interviewed by Kathleen Brigidina, the Creative Liasion for TreeSisters!

    Happy Almost-Winter!

    December 3, 2017
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • I published an article in the November 2017 edition of One Thousand Trees: Facilitating Wellness through Connection, Creativity, and Community Service going into my personal process to produce stories for SYLVAN REFLECTION!
    • Painting news!
    • A First-Snow Story
    • I’ll be at the Winter Wonderland Fair on December 16
    • TreeSisters news!
    • A new favorite Quote

    Happy Dog-Days Of August!

    August 10, 2017
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • The Columbia Basin Culture Tour is this weekend!
    • Signed books are available on tour
    • New partnership with TreeSisters!
    • A pondering on Surrender
    • A new Quote

    Happy Midsummer!

    June 23, 2017
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • I’ll be at the RANDOM ACTS OF CREATIVITY along with Claire Chilton and Vallican Whole Community Choir!
    • A new poem, ‘A Perfect June Day’
    • Thanks for those who came to my book launch and bought my book!
    • Other upcoming events!
    • a new quote

    Happy Springtime!

    April 10, 2017
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • New book launch date for SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, paintings and Ponderings from the Forest
    • Latest painting news
    • Studio News
    • a lovely quote

    There is still a couple of feet of snow in my neck of the woods, but Spring is in the air, all waters are rushing, earth is soft with saturation and there is heat in the Sun’s rays when they do peak out. 

    Warm Wishes for Winter!

    December 4, 2016
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Sincere thanks for those coming to see the SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings and Ponderings book launch events
    • Sad personal news
    • A few book passages
    • An old painting not in a previous newsletter
    • A favourite quote

    November Greetings!

    November 3, 2016
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Big news! My new book SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings and Ponderings from the Forest is out!
    • Book tour dates!
    • The book trailer!
    • Excerpts from the introduction!
    • Press release excerpts!

    I can’t wait to present it to you and see what you think of it!

    Happy August!

    August 9, 2016
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • Invitation to my newest showing
    • Book progress update
    • A recent Pondering
    • A couple favourite quotes

    Happy Wintertime!

    December 13, 2015
    Find in this newsletter: 
    • A new film!
    • A new website!
    • New painting in progress!
    • A forest rambling!

    For various options of beautiful high quality giclee Prints of the paintingsas well as the Book and its companion Film, plus Art CardsPoetry Postcards, and Fridge Magnets . . .

    There are some Miniature Original Oil Paintings there for you too!

    (Click the picture to be taken there)

    For an eclectic array of various beautiful and fun household and personal items with my paintings’ images on them . . .

    (Click the picture to be taken there)

    Join my email list and receive

    News From the Forest🌲

    in your inbox every couple of months with my latest paintings, recent woodland wanders, and upcoming events.

    As my gift to you for signing up, enjoy this free 9-minute guided deep-dive video:

    'A Forest Meditation'

    Immerse yourself in the healing green.

    Relax and be refreshed as your soul is nourished by connecting deeply with nature. 

    Download it to escape into the forest whenever you’d like.



    (I will never share your email address. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.)