Barbara Brown,
Artist of the Forest
Sharing with you my love of the forest,
the Beauty, the Wonder, and the Wisdom to be found there.
I am so very pleased to announce!
The long awaited Volume II,
with its companion film, is now available!
Hot off the press!
Volume II,
Sylvan Reflections:
Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest
This second volume features 16 new forest paintings with their stories, plus more poetry, woodland wanders and ruminations on the meaning of being a human in this wondrous world of Nature’s beauty. Included are links to watch and download the gorgeous 1/2 hour film On BEAUTY, As We Come To It in the FOREST.
Click to be taken to Etsy to see it
A review from the back cover:
“SYLVAN REFLECTIONS conjures a world of woodland wonders. Entering through the portals Barbara Brown creates with paintbrush and pen, we follow her into the quiet forest, her haven. Combining poetic narrative with gems of natural history, the artist welcomes us to ‘drop into tree time.’ Her exquisite paintings, created with skilled devotion, resonate with the harmony in all creation. Accompany this gifted woman along the pathways of her remarkable book and through the gateway into its accompanying film. You will be captivated by trees in alpine breezes, the shimmering of mountain streams, the dappling of light in the forest, all enhanced by the wafting of original music harmonizing with the artist as she wanders through her enchanted forest. SYLVAN REFLECTIONS is an astonishing achievement of extraordinary artistry.”
~ Elizabeth Cunningham, Author of A Fragile Grace, Watching the Light, and Look to This Day

Poem Audio Recording

Envision a world where Nature in all her beauty is revered
Where we have fallen back in love with the natural world
In all her divine splendour
~It is my deepest desire that my work inspires this reverence,
for we naturally take care of what we love~
I am an artist, author and forest-walker living in the remote, untamed forest of the Slocan Valley surrounded by the rugged and majestic mountains of British Columbia, Canada. I have been walking these woods as a daily practice for over 25 years.
Entering the forest, I feel a deep hush descend as the busyness of my mind settles. The forest takes me over. I surrender. Time expands. Preconceived priorities and perspectives fall away and I come into line with nature’s way of being, dropping into the present moment.
I become wrapt in that special quality of the forest that both calms and enlivens at the same time.
Walking slowly, seldom following a path, I wind my way over fallen logs and under low-hanging branches. It’s often a bit of a scramble, the terrain here in my forest is rough and mountainous and wild.
I stop often to sit, in stillness, mindful, leaning up against a welcoming tree trunk. With my senses open and receptive I take in the abundance of life that surrounds me.
The beauty of it all astounds me.
Overwhelmed, I can’t keep it all inside. The inspiration brims over. I feel an inner imperative to share it with you.
This is the wellspring from whence my work arises. Through evocative forest paintings — each incorporating a touch of otherworldly enchantment; writings capturing the essence of time spent in the woods; and films enveloping you in the breathtaking beauty of the forest, I strive to awaken in you these blissful feelings of awe and wonder.
By connecting more deeply with Nature, we get in touch with our own true nature, for of course we are ourselves a part of Her. Our lives are enriched, our souls nourished, and some measure of healing happens.

Volume I,
Sylvan Reflections:
Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest
A beautiful book of paintings and poetry, plant lore, mysticism, and mindful musings; with a gorgeous companion film taking you through the four seasons of a year in the forest.
“You are invited into deep intimacy with a forest that can heal you from the inside out, through the extraordinary experience of one who chose to go deep and then share that beauty with the rest of us”
~A review of my work from Clare Dubois, Founder of
Bring the beauty and wonder of the forest into your home
“If you can’t get out into the forest today,
come, let me take you there, come along with me.
With my paintings, and writings, I want to give you a place to go
~ similar to the way we can ‘travel’ when we listen to music ~
I want to give you a place where you can rest your eyes and excite your soul,
open your heart and soothe your nerves.
A view of healing green magic.
Come, let’s go for a walk together, in the forest . . .”
~Barbara Brown, SYLVAN REFLECTIONS: Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest, p. 4

Join my email list and receive
‘News From the Forest’🌲
in your inbox every couple of months with my latest paintings, recent woodland wanders, and upcoming events.
As my gift to you for signing up, enjoy this free 9-minute guided deep-dive video:
'A Forest Meditation'
Immerse yourself in the healing green.
Relax and be refreshed as your soul is nourished by connecting deeply with nature.
Download it to escape into the forest whenever you’d like.
(I will never share your email address. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.)

With every purchase from me you are helping to save old-growth forests!
I am so pleased to be contributing 5% of my sales revenues to Ancient Forest Alliance, in their cause to protect British Columbia’s endangered old-growth forests and to ensure a sustainable, value-added, second-growth forest industry.

Financial support for the creation of the book and paintings is gratefully acknowledged:
Columbia Basin Trust, British Columbia Arts Council, Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance and Slocan Valley Community Arts Council